H.H.第三世多杰羌佛 五明展顯 第九大類-金剛除病針

H.H.第三世多杰羌佛 五明展顯 第九大類-金剛除病針



H.H.第三世多杰羌佛 五明展顯第九大類-金剛除病針


金 剛 除 病 針

簡 介


此針功力神奇絕妙,隨著三世多杰羌佛的手印、咒語運轉功力,可以打通身上的一切穴道關節。接受治療的人可以體會到力量 在身內走動,無論你的毅力有多強,只要三世多杰羌佛加強咒力,你馬上會五內俱焚,倒地慘叫,可見其功力實在非人力所能抗 拒,排除肝膽腎脾肺命陰虛陽亢、氣血不和、五臟之損等六經病症、四大不調之怪症易於反掌,如莊子公親身體驗了金剛針後,在 《義雲高大師》一書中說:

所謂「走馬神針」,那是出於佛家為民調治疾患的獨特的功夫醫術。據說此技非一般人能掌握,此技的運用,必須將密宗金剛拳 練到高深境界,進入生圓不二次第,通過功夫產生「外四大」(地水火風)的調節作用力,然後運用自身的定力,導致銀針感應行走馬馳。同時還要用意念牽引患者肌體的「內四大」,讓其在瞬息產生劇烈變幻,通過經絡穴位依次驅除病障。為什麼會產生這樣的奇效呢?這涉及了宇宙學的真諦。

莊子公說多杰羌佛第三世雲高益西諾布頂聖如來為他打走馬神針實踐體驗:只見大師(即三世多杰羌佛──編者注,下同)拿出一支細長的銀針,距我兩米遠近相向而坐,將銀針一擲,插進我左腿穴位「陽陵泉」。這時,我體內並無異感,只覺銀針顫動不 止,隨著雲高大師手勢的感應,叫聲:「脹!」全身便產生脹感。叫聲:「麻!」體內即刻產生麻感。叫聲:「冷!」體內即刻如入冰窖。隨即,大師又咕嚕一句什麼,只覺頭部轟然一聲,似覺身軀急速膨脹,體內如驟發疾風暴雨,伴隨電閃雷鳴,翻江倒海, 震人心魄。隨即,眼前風火迫臨,風助火勢,火助風威,剎那間恍然被內外煎熬,大汗淋漓,幾乎毀滅。正惶惑間,只聽一聲: 「去也!」什麼又都煙消雲散,風平浪靜,使人身心兩忘,一片寂然空靜。不一會,似乎那支針在奇怪地自行走馬,顫顫悠悠,沿腿上行,依次見穴而入。此時渾身只覺暢通無阻,氣血循環,如春水流雲。當時不知是意識或者幻覺,反正我感到整個身心都浸浴在相親相戀的幸福悅樂之中。

我終於嘗試到了「走馬神針」那神奇的功效。這夜,素以酣睡而聞名的我竟然失眠。次晨於矇矓狀態中突然清醒,抹抹眼睛, 疾患已失,藍天綠地展於窗前。於是,便精神飽滿地投入新的一天中。(莊子公先生所著《義雲高大師》第180-181頁)


Vajra Needle That Eliminates Illness


I n applying this vajra needle that eliminates illness, Kuan Yin Bodhisattva is used as the yidam (object of veneration), and the Horse Head Vajra Deity (a transformation body of Kuan Yin Bodhisattva) manifests awesome power. That is why the Han-Chinese people call it "Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle." It is a healing technique specially used to cure people's illnesses. Currently, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata is the only one who possesses this dharma.

The powerful effects of this needle are miraculous. Various effects are produced according to the particular mudra and mantra H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha IIIapplies. This needle is able to open all of the body's joints and acupuncture points. People who receive this treatment experience power moving through their body. No matter how strong a patient's power of resistance may be, as soon as H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III increases the power of the mudra, the patient will immediately feel as if his internal organs were on fire and will fall to the ground screaming in pain. It is clear that people do not have the power to offer resistance to the effects of this needle.

This needle can easily cure yin deficiency and yang excess relating to the liver, gall, kidneys, spleen, and lungs; qi (vital energy)-blood disharmony; harm done to the internal organs; and other strange illnesses resulting from the six meridians or imbalance among the four great elements. After Zigong Zhuang personally experienced the Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle treatment, he wrote the following words in the book Master Yi Yungao (Master Yi Yungao is H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III):

"Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle is a unique healing technique of Buddhism requiring special powers, and it is used to cure people of their illnesses. It is said that common people cannot master this technique. In order to apply this technique, one must have reached a very high state of training in the Vajra Fist Dharma of esoteric Buddhism. One must also have entered the phase that transcends the generation and completion phases. Through special skills, one produces a power that adjusts the "external four great elements." (earth, water, fire, and wind) One then uses one's concentration powers to bring about needle treatment reactions that course through the body like a galloping horse. Additionally, one must use thought to guide the "internal four great elements" of the patient's body so that his body undergoes acute changes in an instant. Using the energy channels and acupuncture points, the obstructions of illness are expelled one after another. Why does that treatment produce such amazing effects? It has to do with the ultimate truths of the universe."

Zigong Zhuang went on to describe his experience when H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata treated him with the Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle: "I saw the Master1 take out a thin, long silver needle. He sat facing me about two meters away. He then tossed the needle, which entered the acupuncture point on my left leg called yang ling quan. At that time, there was no unusual feeling in my body. I just felt the needle shaking continuously. As the Master's mudras changed, so did my reactions. He shouted "swell!" and my entire body generated a swelling feeling. He shouted "tingle!" and my entire body instantly produced tingling sensations. He shouted "cold!" and the inside of my body at once felt as if I had entered an ice cellar.

"The Master then uttered something unintelligible, and I heard a loud boom in my head. It seemed as if my body had quickly swelled. The inside of my body felt like a sudden violent storm accompanied by thunder, lightening, and surging rivers and seas. It was an astonishing and shocking experience. Then, it seemed as if wind and fire were fast approaching before my eyes. The wind was helping the strength of the fire, and the fire was adding to the power of the wind. In an instant, I was being tormented by internal and external forces. I perspired profusely and was almost destroyed. Right when I was flustered and confused, I heard "leave!" Everything then vanished and became peaceful. I forgot about both my body and mind. There was just an expanse of tranquility and emptiness.

"After a short while, strangely enough, it seemed as if that needle was "galloping" on its own. It would shake and sensations would course up my leg and enter acupuncture points in the proper sequence of those points. At that time, my entire body felt open and unblocked. My qi-blood circulation was as free flowing as a spring stream or floating clouds. I can't say whether it was normal consciousness or hallucination, but I felt that my whole body and mind were immersed in happiness and pleasure.

"I finally experienced the miraculous effects of the Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle. Although I am well known for always sleeping very soundly, that night I could not fall asleep. While in a state of drowsiness the next morning, I suddenly became clear-headed. I wiped my eyes and realized my illness had disappeared. The blue sky and green earth spread before my window. Full of energy, I threw myself into the new day."2

1 Here and below the word Master refers to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.

2 Pages 180-181 of Master Yi Yungao written by Zigong Zhuang.

A disciple by the name of Kion Yat beseeched H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to treat him with needles. When H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III lightly applied one needle, disciple Yat did not at first feel anything. But when His Holiness began to recite a mantra and apply a mudra, disciple Yat became cold. Even ice formed on his eyebrows. His illness was immediately cured. This vajra needle is truly the king of all needles that only a Buddha possesses. Great Bodhisattva Tangtong Gyalpo Rinpoche XVI said that he personally saw the limitless power of the Galloping Horse Wonderful Needle and the incredibly high realization of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.






H.H.第三世多杰羌佛 五明展顯第九大類-金剛除病針


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